Jeff Kravitz in an experienced litigator in State, Federal, Administrative and Appellate Courts; he is also a Professor of Constitutional Law.<br /><br />The Kravitz Law Office has successfully defended the professional licenses of MD's, Nurses, Contractors, Auto Mechanics, Nightclubs and others. You have invested too much time and money in your professional and business license to lose them. Most attorneys have no idea how to deal with various government agencies and often make mistakes that hurt their clients. Jeff Kravitz knows how to defend and protect your business license. We can also help new applicants faced with problems in obtaining a license.<br /><br />Jeff Kravitz experience goes beyond license defense and includes civil litigation, trademark law and appellate practice. Jeff Kravitz has been involved in many landmark cases that have resulted in published decisions. These cases have helped change the law to defend the rights of the wrongfully accused and small busine ss owners. As many licensing problems arise from prior criminal or other legal problems, we can assist you through all aspects of the legal process including representation in Court and Trade mark issues.<br /><br />The Kravitz Law Office can offer you a full range of legal services at reasonable fees.. The Kravitz Law Office can offer you legal representation and advice on all aspects of obtaining and keeping your professional license. We are able to represent you during the investigation and at any hearing and for all post-hearing work. This includes Petitions,Writs and Appeals and license reinstatement.<br /><br />Our office also handles criminal defense and civil litigation at both the trial and appellate levels. In addition,we have litigated landmark cases in the field of trademarks.<br /><br />Jeff Kravitz has published decisions. These cases have sent important precedent defending the rights of wrongfully accused and small business.<br /><br />Jeff Kravitz has represented clients in all of the following:<br />* Board of Registered Nursing<br />* Bureau of Automotive Repair<br />* Community Care Licensing<br />* Department of Health Services<br />* Department of Real Estate<br />* Medical Boards<br />* Alcoholic Beverage Control<br />* Cosmetology Board<br />* Adult Business Licensing<br />* Trademark Applications & Litigations<br />* Office of Administrative Hearings<br />* Board Of Insurance<br />* Civil Litigation<br />* Federal Litigation<br />* Ninth Circuit<br />* Court of Appeals<br />* Writs