Krav Maga East Side training center offers a variety of unique opportunities and experiences. However, keep in mind that achieving your ideal results or the results that they advertise within their self-defense agenda is a combination of hard work and politics.\r
The simple truth is, if the instructors like you then you will receive priority in training and attention, as well as an opportunity to work hard for the guided purpose of achieving your goals. If they don't like you however, then the school will impact you in a negative way and will ideally lead to a waste of time, money and a lack of progress. Because, all you'll learn is the jab, cross combination over and over. Now, don't get me wrong, the jab and the cross are level one techniques that are typically affiliated with the term ""bread and butter"" in regards to the system, and ideally are some of the basic skills you'll use if you ever need to deploy them in a hostile environment. Nonetheless, if you're paying over a hundred dollars a month to train here and you're only learning one technique, then it becomes frustrating to see new students that they like and/ or favor learn more techniques in a week then you will in a year. Although, everybody usually learns by attending classes, you'll definitely notice the students that have received more training and attention, as well as the unfavored long term students.\r
Moreover, if you're an attractive woman, then you'll definitely have no problem learning the skills necessary to progress within their agenda. Obviously, taken out of context this statement is controversial, but—its true—so, if you happen to be an attractive lady this will only benefits you (as exemplified by the east side training center's track record). \r
If you remember only one thing, remember that if you do choose to train here you are ""ideally"" investing in a foundation that should exemplify a system of progress pertaining to safety and awareness. So with this in mind, both men and women should take the previous points into consideration before making a decision on wether or not they want to train here. \r
In addition, the instructors really do know their stuff. In fact, they're some serious badasses. Which may be a factor as to why they can afford to practice questionable business ethics. Or perhaps, it's just a lack of business knowledge... You can be the judge. \r
The decision however, is entirely up to you. Krav Maga east side usually offers a free trial class, and I would highly recommend that you utilize this aspect of their business before making a decision. Additionally, I'd like to Reiterate that they are a business so, remember that the way they conduct themselves during your trial lesson may not be how they conduct themselves once you're a member. In real-time this can either work against you or in your favor. It just depends on if they like you or not.