Kraft Tool is one of the leading manufacturers of professional contractor tools for the trowel trades, supplying tools and accessories for concrete, masonry, stone, plaster and drywall. Its products line include finishing trowels, floats, roller tamps, screeds, spreaders, bronze groovers, edgers, curb tools, kneeboards, texture mats, and brick trowels. It also provides jointers, brick tongs, hammers, levels, guides, acid brushes, mortar boxes, and mortar hoes. Its plaster and spray tools include rubber floats, hawks, featheredge, notched trowels, corner tools, and sanding rasps. Its product line also includes ceiling texture machines, pole sanders, taping knifes, corner tools, scrapers, mud pans, mixers, drywall saws and lifters, and carts. Its carpet and floor covering products include carpet stretcher, stapler, irons, door jam saws, grouter's floats, sponges, notched trowels, tile cutters, and nippers. Kraft Tool is located in Shawnee, Kan.