Unfortunately, I don't have anything good to say about Dr. Koricke.
She is very disorganized and distracted. During interviews she shuffles papers and struggles with her computer when she should be focusing and taking careful notes. She acts as if she is writing things down but when her notes are reviewed you realize that much of what she has written is inaccurate and the important points you were trying to make were not understood or are missing. When Dr. Koricke writes a report she frequently misstates facts or mixes up facts. This causes a lot of problems when her reports are submitted to The Court as evidence. Bad evidence is confusing, costly and not at all helpful to the legal process.
Dr. Koricke lacks depth of knowledge. She claims to be an expert in hoarding, OCD, child custody, and even sanity claims. Anyone claiming expertise in this many fields cannot possibly be an expert. This is a person who is paid to make statements to support a particular side- a hired gun. She is not an expert who can conduct her own investigation and make sound recommendations based on sound psychological practices and guidelines. For example, it is a fact that she does not know how to administer psychological tests, score psychological tests, or interpret psychological tests. It is hard to understand how she can call herself a psychologist, let alone an expert, when this is the case. Being familiar with her work I can honestly say that her work lacks integrity and her reports lack professionalism. Unfortunately her work is accepted because attorneys don't know what questions to ask her and the court doesn't have a good definition of 'expert.' You would not want her to investigate any kind a case where her recommendations would affect another person's life.