I was a client of the guys at Kobek Accounting Group for several years. They are usually simple and nice people, but not really organized, which as accountants could have a problematic effect on their clients.
I had to leave them after they consistently failed to take care of simple matters, such as a simple tax form that was mis-filed (by them) and over the years became a major debt including fees and penalties. Although my entire string of communications with them over the years is documented (asking them to take care of the issue, and repeatedly reminding them to not let it get out of hand), they deny any responsibility or wrong doing and claim they can't investigate into this further, because they do not keep their client's files for more than three or four years. Mind you - our latest communication on this issue is less than two years old - so they should definitely have the relevant documents on file.
In short - beware of accountants that are not organized enough to take care of your taxes in an efficient manner, and that will turn the other way once their actions get you into unnecessary trouble...