To say that I'm a high maintenance dental patient is like saying that water is wet. I didn't see a dentist for more than five years because I'd have a panic attack any time I even thought about making an appointment. So the first time I called Dr. Kobayashi's office to *try* to schedule an appointment, I had a panic attack and started crying. The receptionist was very gracious and encouraging. Even though I wasn't able to make an appointment, she was friendly and helpful. I finally got a prescription for valium, and was able to make an appointment. I didn't take any valium for my first teeth cleaning, because they wouldn't be doing anything hurtful. Big mistake. I had a panic attack as soon as I walked in. But everyone was very patient and encouraging while I took some valium and waited for it to kick in. Since then I've had Dr. Kobayashi do two crowns. He's very patient, knowledgeable, and skilled. He gives extremely gentle injections. His crowns feel like my real teeth, but better (I have a crown from another dentist that feels like a fake tooth).