Knoll Tree Services provides tree trimming, removal, and logging services to residences and businesses in the Seattle-Tacoma metro area. We provide emergency tree services and promise an immediate response. Keeping your large trees trimmed is our specialty. Plus, it's important for the health and safety of the tree. Our services include:• Trimming• Removal• Logging• Stump grinding• Brush chippingFor tree removal, we're comfortable working in tight spaces or with large trees. We remove large trees in pieces for added safety. If the job is large enough, Knoll Tree Services can also take trees to a saw mill, potentially offsetting removal costs or even splitting some of the profits with you. Knoll Tree Services can also cut your usable downed trees into firewood-sized rounds. Take a moment to visit our informative website above this profile for a full listing of our tree services.Knoll Tree Services has been in business for more than 15 years. We are trusted within the community and have even been called by our competitors to assist on large projects.Call or email today for a free estimate.