So my boyfriend and I found what we thought would be a great deal for this hotel stay while on vacation. Little did we know this was only the beginning of a soon to be horror movie. When we arrived at the Knightmare Inn, we were greeted by shady drug dealing male giggalos who prompted us to our room. That was fine. When we walked to our room past the pimps and crackwhores, we soon discovered that our room was outside. Literally. All of the furniture and bedding from this prison like hotel room were gutted and thrown by the dumpster. Now we knew what the hotel thought of its clients. GARBAGE! So my boyfriend and I raced back to the office and explained the situation. I requested an upgrade for this inconvenience and seeing how the parking lot was practically dead, I didn't it would be that much of a problem... deuce biggalo said he would ""take care of us"" and which point I became very uncomfortable seeing as how that spring mattress ended up next to the dumpster. He gave us another room key and we walked towards our prison cell #2 which was INCONVENIENTLY next to the maintenance man who parked is monster truck in front of our homely room, leaving us to the side. When we entered the room, I was horrorifed by the DOWNGRADE of what we paid for and the quality in which the rooms were in...dirt on the floor, random stains of buddha only knows what, hair in the bathroom, nasty hand me down towels that even GOODWILL REFUSED TO TAKE IN. Needless to say we left as quickly as that pimp came and stayed at the Days Inn across the bridge...and well, that is a review for another time. Toodles.