The owner of KMW Property Management in Algonquin, IL is Kyle Witek . He and his company are both unethical and impossible to deal with. Time and time again he refuses to communicate with individual homeowners, instead preferring to communicate with those homeowners through his attorneys regardless of how trivial and small the matter might be, after which he presents the homeowner with a bill for outrageously high special assessments which he lists as the attorneys fees(thousands of dollars) for a matter that could have often been resolved with a phone call. I WOULD STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST ANY FUTURE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION FROM HIRING KMW PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, SPECIFICALLY WORKING WITH KYLE WITEK. Our homewoners in our community have signed a petition to terminate his contract! This is not just one unsatisfied homeowner but rather an entire community not only unsatisfied but outraged! \r