My local KMart drives me crazy - we have a definate love/hate relationship. I hate going there because alot of time they don't have the item or items they have advertised and no one knows where they are or when they'll be getting more and oftentimes things aren't even priced - aaaagh. But I also love the bargains I can get there! And they accept coupons! Yay! For example, just this past week they had Aquafresh toothpaste on sale for $1.00. Yup, $1.00. Good deal, right? Well there are also $1.00 manufacturers Aquafresh coupons out there so you know what that means, right? Yup, free toothpaste! Yay! Yay Kmart! Yay coupons! There is also a clearance section on the health & Beauty products area where you can save even more by combining your coupons with the marked down items. In many cases this works out to free product. So, kind of dumpy store, old fixtures, bad signage, disinterested employees .. ... but you can save if you get lucky.