I'm not sure about the Kmarts in other areas but the one here in Olathe has really went downhill over the years. The store is in desperate need of updating - new ceilings (water damage), lighting (several fixtures constantly flickering), paint, etc... a couple Summers ago, I ran in there during the Summer and they actually had fans going all over there store and it was HOT in there!!! I honestly don't go in there too often anymore because it's just downright eerie... nearly always just a handful of people shopping, can't seem to find an associate to help me (two recent instances were in the paint department and the other was at the dressing room area - I rang the 'bell' over and over and no one came), etc... Very sad for Kmart but I think it's inevitable that they will eventually go out of business with both Wal Mart and Kmart within 5 miles.