My name is Mark Naugle, I thought I had a great relationship with Dr. Tran, but, apparently not. I paid for a lifetime of enhancements, Dr. Kleinman preformed an enhancement to my right eye and ingrowth appeared under the flap he pulled back. After two or three attempts by Dr. Kleinman to clear epithelial ingrowth it continued to come back. Dr. Tran met with me several times after that, seemed quit concerned seeing me at no charge, then I had a death in the family and he said to hold off coming in for awhile, because they emotional stress could affect things, so I did. Vision got worse over time, so I didn't think anything about going to see Dr. Tran since he had seemed really concerned in the past, but, I was told by a young girl (apparently in finance,) Dr. Tran would not see me unless I paid $200+ (which I could handily afford,) I told her the situation, she said the timeframe for me to come in for this was four years, and it would be four years the next month. I said to her, fine but four years is next month so I was still in the timeframe and she said to me "You don't work for free and neither do we!,) I said ask Dr. Tran about this because he knows me, and she said he is the one who told me to tell you that.
Enough said, anymore would take to long..