Kleberg Insurance is an affiliate of Kleberg Bank and an independent insurance agency providing a wide range of both personal and commercial products. We are proud to have the same foundation of integrity and community involvement thathas made Kleberg Bank one of the most successful community banks in South Texas. And with deep roots in the local community, Kleberg Insurance is able to provide insurance solutions with a unique understanding of the people and culture of South Texas. Kleberg Insurance also provides Customers with a team that has over 80years of combined experience, and is dedicated to providing all of our clients with complete coverage at the best rates our carriers offer. Auto or car insurance coverage, Boat orMarine insurance, Condominium insurance, Flood Insurance, Homeowners insurance, Motorcycle insurance, renters insurance, Business insurance, and much more.... Auto or car insurance coverage,Homeowners insurance,Business insurance,Boat or Marine insurance,Condominium insurance,Flood lnsurance,renters insurance,Motorcycle insurance