If you feel like spending a ton of unnecessary money, head straight for the uber-greedy, jerk of a vet at Klahanie Veterinary Hospital.\r
Our cat was sick over the weekend, stopped eating. We had a coupon for a free initial exam at Klahanie so we took the cat there. After telling us that the cat was running a high fever and was 'severely dehydrated,' the vet told us we would need x-rays, bloodwork, IV fluids and more, to the tune of $1000. I said no way, and he said he could do the bloodwork and fluids for around $400, but essentially made it sound as though we'd be killing our cat if we didn't do the x-rays.\r
I ended up saying 'no thanks' and walking out entirely, but not before the jerk of a vet made us sign a waiver essentially stating that he warned us that our cat could die if we didn't surrender it to his care.\r
We took our cat instead to Tiger Mountain vet and they kept him overnight to watch over him, decided all he needed was a quick shot of antibiotics and a shot of fluids, and voila, he was back to normal health. No xrays. No bloodwork. No IV fluids. And, we were outta there for less than $100.\r
STAY AWAY from Klahanie Vet. SHAME ON YOU, DOC!!!\r