This review is a rant! I cannot talk about the defex shipping side since I did not utilize that service but I can tell you about my horrible experience at the copy center. I should have know to go to my Office Max, but no.... This was just off the freeway on my way home. I needed 3 documents for my thesis defense, very important documents, copied on special paper. I did not have a copy, I had my flash drive with me. The first person ask me when I would like my 3 copied completed by? What? 3 Copies? I told him now and gave him specific intructions, 25% rag 20lb weight, white, and 3 of them. I also wrote the specifics on a post it. Ok a very unhappy looking employee waved me over so I could tell her what I needed off my flash drive, I show it to her and again told her my specific needs.
Almost 10 minutes later they called me to pick up my papers... They were copied on regular paper. The 1st clerk tells me sorry, then asks for my flash drive again, the other clerk still looking unhappy waves me to the back, is this dejavu? So I tell her my needs again, then I wait and guess what???
They did it again, regular paper.
I need these pages for original signatures and they kept messing up.
So after 20 minutes wasted, I left and went to Office max, where I told the gal what I needed and she gave me my documents on 25% cotton rag, 20lb and happily charged me 40 cents.. Ah Kinkos don't knows their paper!