Good: The Minister appears friendly and does a decent job of delivering a standard sermon; He appears to stick up for strong morals and is capable of remaining true to Biblical standards in the face of "new morality"; homosexuality and abortion are frowned on as sinful, which is the correct Biblical stand on the issue.. Bad: My child's private, behind-closed-doors baptism interview between myself, my child and one minister was shared and one of the main secretaries took it upon herself to PUBLICALLY REPRIMAND ME in a busy church hallway without permission or authority. She let me know she disapproved of my family and that she and the rest of the staff was busy discussing what they did not like about my child, labeling my child as "wierd" and "unacceptable". This was EXTREEMLY INAPPROPRIATE. I was HORRIFIED, reduced to tears!. Improvements: I told the Children's Minister that her staff had PUBLICALLY REPRIMANDED me for something SHE SHOULD NEVER HAVE KNOWN ABOUT to begin with, and even asked for an appology, I was IGNORED. To this day no one has ever reached out to appologize to my child or me for their GOSSIP about my PRIVATE COUNSILING SESSION. God FORBID anyone visit with a minister there over a bigger problem than an ADHD Child who doesn't sit perfectly still in a baptism interview! REPENTENCE ON THE PART OF THE STAFF/SORRY is in order.. Other: Few know that every classroom/office is equipped with hidden cameras, due to a past minister's adultery committed with women seeking marriage counseling. Perhaps the staff views video of people's private counseling with ministers and uses it for entertainment/gossip. VERY HURTFUL what happened to me. BUT I HAVE FOUND OUT I AM NOT ALONE, MANY HAVE LEFT KINGSLAND. Also, no one likes the $50K Theatre Seating in sanctuary or the fact that $30K of old pews were put out for trash, not donated to newer church.