We received in the mail from our now-former rental company (Kings Realty) the expected ""charges"" for repairs that had to be done to the old place. We expected some significant charges as the carpets were screwed up in most of the rooms (kids!), so getting a bill from them wasn't that much of a shocker. The AMOUNT of the bill, however, was quite a shocker. $18,000.
No, you did NOT mis-read that??$18,000. IT ONLY COST $12,000 TO RENT THE PLACE FOR A YEAR!!! And here we had this itemized ""bill"" with everything under the sun you could imagine being charged to us to the tune of $18k. OMG! They charged us $5 A PIECE to replace WALL SOCKETS. They charged us hundreds of dollars to fix or replace things that had been broken when we moved into that house and that we KNOW they have documented! They charged us for ADVERTISING costs to re-rent the place! Thousands of dollars for things that the lease doesn't even allow for!! So, upon the advice of a friend, we responded in writing, itemizing all the charges and disputing the ones that were frankly bogus and/or ridiculous, whittling down what we actually and legitimately owed them down to approx. $6,000.
So a couple days later the rental company (Kings) tries to call us to discuss the matter. I emailed them that I refused to discuss anything with them unless it was in writing, so we began emailing back and forth. Basically, they told us that the owners of the property MAY accept our offer of the $6,000 IF we can pay them by certified funds within 15 days. But if we couldn't, then they said they'd turn over the FULL AMOUNT of $18,000 to collections.
I responded that I wouldn't discuss payment methods or timing with them UNTIL we'd all agreed on what we LEGALLY and LEGITIMATELY owed them, not what they could COLLECT from us. That was the last I heard from them until this morn, when I got a letter in the mail claiming that they'd tried to contact us via phone and EMAIL for several days without a response.