Hello, my name is Steve and Kiefer Land Services is family owned and operated with over 20 years of growing experience. Centrally located in beautiful Bedford, Virginia, we service Bedford, Roanoke, Lynchburg, Smith Mt. Lake and surrounding areas. We specialize in Hydroseeding, but also provide many other services to meet your specific needs.
In Choosing Kiefer Land Services, you can expect personal service, creative solutions and attention to detail for all your property needs.
You can also have confidence in knowing that we are fully insured & Licensed in Virginia as a Class B Contractor
We want to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry.
* Brush Hogging
* Dump Truck Hauling Service
* Dust Control
* Erosion Control
* Excavation
* General Land Maintenance
* Landscaping
* Site Cleanup
* Soil Preparation for Seeding
* Soil Sampling and Amending
* Trail Cleanup and Maintenance
* Wildflower Instillation
* Wildlife (Deer) Food Plot Instillation and Management. Not sure what Hydroseeding is and if it is better than traditional seeding methods,or how much it costs? Read on and hopefully we can answer all your questions.....
"What is Hydroseeding?"
Hydroseeding is a spray application. A tank is filled with water,seed,and hydraulic mulch. These ingredients are mixed together to create a "slurry". The slurry (containing the water,seed,and mulch) is what is sprayed onto the ground. Sometimes other ingredients are added to the slurry to provide optimum growth and sustainability of vegetation based on your soil's needs.
"Is it better than traditional methods?" Yes,Definitely!
Wind and Water are the biggest factors affecting the success of traditional seeding methods. Wind blows seed,straw,and even soil causing loss of these materials. We all know that water flows downhill and along with it goes the seed,soil,and valuable nutrients to other unintended areas. Loss of these materials by either wind or water means loss of valuable time spent prepping and seeding or,most importantly,money!
The beauty of Hydroseeding is its amazing ability to prevent water and wind erosion. This ensures materials are not lost and money is not wasted.
How it works:
A slurry mix containing water,seed,and mulch is sprayed on prepared ground. A mechanical & Chemical bond ("glue") occurs on the ground surface with the slurry.
The slurry encapsulates the valuable seed.