I love this daycare! It had a great price and a great staff. Then my son moved into the toddler class with a new lady. My son went from running into the door to holding on to my leg and screaming. This lady never paid attention. We were in her class for 3 weeks before switching daycares. My son came home in dirty clothes and dirty diapers. The last day we were there she allowed a kid to bite my son 4 times! She said they were fighting over a toy and he bit him, so she then seperated them, then they started fighting over a toy again. The fact of the matter is that if she was paying attention as soon as they started fighting over a toy she could have seperated them and their wouldnt be any bite marks. My son also showed up with pruises and the lady couldnt tell me anything about how he got them. Trust me if your kid is in a toddler class stay away from April. The rest of the staff is great and friendly. We love the owner and her staff. We just had bad luck with this lady! \r
Pros: Great Staff, Nice Facility, great value
Cons: April in the Toddler Class