Horrible director!! They advertised on their website a daily morning routine including 30 minutes each of arts and crafts and physical activity either in the gym, or outside. \r
My son was very excited about the morning exercise option and like most boys, benefits tremendously from exercise and blowing off boy energy before the start of the school day. My kids attended 4 days. Of those 4 days, my son had only 10 minutes (not 30 minutes as advertised) on only 2 of the days. \r
First, I was told that exercise was only every other day and that ""wet grass"" meant that they wouldn't go out, even though there are perfectly dry asphalt basketball and foursquare/hopscotch courts available. Then I was told the gym often wasn't accessible because of other school activities early in the morning. I was also informed there's not enough time in the mornings for physical activity. \r
I asked the director why her website advertised otherwise. She claimed she did not know what was on her website and that her friend had done it for free. I read exactly what her own website said in the ""Services and Daily Schedule"" tab (above). She blew up and said she shouldn't have to ""change her program"" to have to accommodate only one child. She said I should move onto another provider since it obviously wouldn't work for us. I told her we did not have another option currently. She said she had other people waiting for our spots (translated: I don't need people like you). \r
An hour and a half after our phone call, she sent me a very unfriendly email attempting to justify her actions and terminating our childcare effective immediately. She said her website indicated this was only a ""typical"" day and that the schedule ""varied"" and therefore she did not have to adhere to any promise of arts & crafts and exercise. I indicated I would make her business practices known and file complaints with the school and among my network of fellow mothers in the area if she did not reconsider her irrational decision. She then said that I was threatening her, had made demands on her staff (untrue) and that her daycare was (essentially) untouchable since she only leased the space from the school and the district and administration had no authority over her.\r
Obviously she knew this would hit us hard since I now have just the weekend to find alternate arrangements. She was unreasonable, completely non-service oriented, aggressive and not at all someone I'd imagine being good around children, or upholding any kind of model citizen behavior. You'd think I was asking her to single handedly move the Titanic just to include the advertised 30 minutes of exercise in her program! Needless to say, I do not want my kids in her program anymore!!\r