Kid Concepts is a great place for children. When you arrive you get wrist bands that match your child's for safety. You are asked to remove all shoes (Bring socks), and they buzz the door to let you in. Inside there are so many activities for you and your child! They have a toddlers play area for children 3 and under. They have a nice place inside to grab yourself a lunch or dinner. The food is wonderful... not your normal snack bar food. gourmet soups and delicious sandwiches, Pizza the list goes on. Your child can climb the rock wall, play in the sandpit and hunt for dinosaur bones! Or even go into the art room and draw awhile... They have a large play structure that even adults can fit in, so you can follow your child as they play. There is a play kitchen and puppet theater, a dress up area and so much more. So, it it's to hot out for the park, or to rainy for outdoor park fun. I'd say take your child to Kid Concepts! They will have tons of fun in a safe place. You can sit and relax in the eating area and watch your children play.