My mother broke her hip and was admitted to Keystone for rehab. A week after her admission, my father was admitted to the hospital for emergency treatment due to kidney failure. Keystone arranged transportation to the hospital for my mother so that she could be with him during his final hours. This is not only commendable, it is beyond humanitarian. She has received excellent care and has been treated with dignity and comfort. I applaud this institution for it's consideration and caring during her time of need. She must now go home and face the trauma of being without her lifelong companion. I expect nothing but support and will not be dissappointed. From what I have seen by touring the facility, the staff is well appointed and very friendly. I especially thought the Valentine's festivities were in very good taste and uplifting to the residents. I don't understand negative reviews of this establishment. During my final hours of need I hope to have the pleasure of experiencing this fine facility. Paul S. Umstead.