Whether you are looking to rejuvenate an existing landscape or starting from scratch, Kent's Garden & Nursery is the place for you. Kent's Garden & Nursery boost an impressive selection of locally grown plants from pretty little annuals to large shady trees and everything in between. Kent's has some of the most knowledgeable staff around. Unlike other places here at Kent's we take great pride in helping to inform our customers so that they can get the right plant for the right spot. We take great pride in educating our customer before we sell them any plants, we aim to set you up for success with you new plants. some of the products we sell include but are not limited to; *\tOutstanding Selection of Evergreen Trees & Shrubs *\tA Shade House Featuring a Variety of Unique Perennials and Other Shade Loving Plants *\tShaped & Sculptured Specimen Trees *\tGround Covers, Perennials and Herbs *\tUnique Pots & Gifts *\tLandscape Sculpture & Garden Art *\tArbors, Birdbaths, Benches & More! Give us a call at (360) 384-4433 or stop in today and browse through our excellent selection.