Oct. 1977 while traveling from HoustonTexas, , I had a bad reaction to a RX. . My husband took me to Kent Memorial ER. My whole medical background taken, labs, blood type etc. A couple hours later, we were back on the road.
April 1978 his company transfered us to Warwick. to work on the St. Georges oil exploration. I arrived at 11p.m. on April 24th. The next morning I was rushed by ambulance to Kent Memorial ER. All my medical info was available, thus saving my life. I was having an ectopic rupture. I virtually was bleeding to death internally. The same Dr. that saw me in the ER in 1977 was delivering a baby, when i was brought in. I can't remember his name, but I sure can remember his face, and that of many care takers that saved my life that day. Went thru that dark tunnel, and into the light, the staff pulled me back. I'd love to visit RI again, truly a beautiful place.
Sincerely, Cathy Spitz, the girl from Houston