I’m a grandpa of 4 of the most beautiful, intelligent, photogenic grandchildren who ever walked the face of the earth. My four daughters and their husbands come down on the good looking side of the ugly to gorgeous scale. If you are inclined to some skepticism you will be convinced when you see our portraits. I don’t know how she does it, but even I look good. When the girls were small my spouse wanted their portraits taken. I balked at the suggestion, saying my brand new 35mm camera was just fine. Like all those kind of discussions my opinion was listened to and then we had Kelly do the first of several. family portraits. Some are stored. But the one of the four girls in their white dresses, having a tea party in the woodland gazebo will forever hang in prominent place. It still, after all these years, puts a smile on my face and brings a warm feeling to my heart. The Kelly Gallery portraits are truly works of art. It has become something of a family tradition to have a new portrait taken each time the family adds someone. I thought we were close to the last portrait until the wise woman I am still with, pointed out we could become “Great” as in Great Grandpa. I don’t know how I feel about that being my one claim to “greatness,” but the family being together for the portraits is a tradition that really works for us and we have the pictures to prove it.