Keller Properties, Inc. has been a family owned and operated management company since 1936. We are located in White Bear Lake at 1895 East County Road E and have been at this location for over 18 years.
We are available to you 24 hours a day with a fully trained staff to answer all of your calls. Keller Properties also has an answering service after hours to contact necessary personnel that can help in any instance!
Our staff is comprised of seven full time employees. We have twenty-six employees on our payroll, many of which have degrees, certifications, and licenses. We stay abreast of the most up to date management practices and theory through legal council, the Community Association Institute and practical hands on experience.
We have the resources to solve any problems that your community association may encounter. Keller Properties, Inc. has no financial interest in any suggested vendors and does not make money over and above the management contract from these services. We contract the best quality vendors at the most reasonable price to provide any service large or small.