I am a bakery snob. Keans is tops. The staff is a bit ditzy so if you are placing an order go over it with them before you leave. However, the custard they use is French creme, not Italian. I like Italian better - it's translucent and firm. The eclair dough is very nice. The chocolate fudge icing they use on their cakes is not tops. Other excellent bakeries is Kuppies in Villa Park and Sauers in Carol Stream. You can get special orders from Kuppies and Keans. Sauer's special order are limiting - they offer variations on their own themes. I recommend Keans' and Sauers' sauerkraut rye. If you love sourdough bread, you'll love sauerkraut rye. It's got that ""bite"" and it's nice and moist, much moister than sourdough bread - or anyways it 'ssuppose to be. Kuppies has excellent Italian custard and Dawn's chocolate icing is very good. Her eclair dough is wanting. Her donuts and pastries are excellent. Keans makes an excellent individual raspberry cheesecake inside a chocolate torte cup. IF YOU WANT THE BEST BAKERY ANYWHERE - GO TO DELAVAN, WISCONSIN AND FIND BEIL'S BAKERY. BUY EVERYTHING. New Glarus Bakery has the best pretzels and pastry horns.