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We do not accept any insurances at the practice! Katz Family Chiropractic promotes wellness as a way of life. Dr. Katz is an instructor of Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) and is advance certified in SOT. Dr. Katz is also a Certified Craniopath. She is one of 150 chiropractors in the world with this certification. The practice is open to people of all ages. We also do nutritional counseling as well! Sacro Occipital Technique is a chirpractic technique that is over 85 years old. It was founded by Dr. M.E. DeJarnette. Dr. DeJarnette's research and technique focuses on not only the spinal cord but also the cranium and the flow of cerebral spinal fluid. S.O.T. uses wedge shaped blocks to allow the body to correct itself and find balance. The block placement is based upon a system of indicators, which not only tell the doctor of chiropractic where to place the blocks but when the correction has been made. Chiropractic works by releasing the nerve interference to allow the body to heal itself.