Im realy sorry that you were a victem of this joke of a company.i say this cus i am dealing with them to,my story\r
on 2/18 i financed a VW passat wolfvinsburg,i was told the same thing about the paper work/contract.that night i left 2500$ cash i pulled from the chase bank up the street. then on the second day my glass to the side mirror flew off on the freeway, so we set a day one week out to have it fixed,well that day my 2yr old daughter had a zezzure and could not make it,went by 2 days latter and thy told me the same thing they told you 'to bad its your car""WTF\r
then they started calling and herasing all of my contacts many times a day. then on 3/10/14 i received a call from john saying the bank needs me to sign a last form that day or they would need to repo the car,got there with my wife,waited an hr before anyone said any thing so i left after an employee said it was okay to do so. i got to 12600 south before john called saying if""if i did not come back he will repo the car (more threats)so i went back, and now the horror make it short, got to the dealer ship\r
whats this about john? no answer\r
whats this about john ""Brett give me the keys and we will talk!\r
me;not tell im told what this is about\r
john;give me the keys me; where is my 2500$ then you can have the keys\r
john:money is gone\r
me: im sorry when you buy some thing that makes it your, like this car and me ,its mine. i got into the car and locked the doors,john freaking out trying to get it open.well i had to unlock the passenger door to let my wife in,she did so quickly but as she was shutting the door he jammed his arm into the door stopping it from shutting then then he jumped into the car on top of my wife hitting my hands and trying to rip my hand off the key""with the car started putting my wife my self and him in a life taking situation. then he hit my lady giving her a black eye,then me in the lip. at this point i bit him defending my family and life (we have photos from that night to prove all of this)\r
so lets recap: deceived/manipulated,lied to,assaulted,robed,harassed,slandered,threaten,\r
all thing that a consumer is protected from,not giving the finance paper work before car leaves the lot,black marketing witch is a fedrel crime,breach of contract from the dealer,\r
and today thy sent me a check for 1375 lol i gave them 3000$,yes i will cash this check and it will not and dose note mean i will not be taking them to court cus O YES I AM,for me and every one alse i will just open the door the rest is on every one alse doing there part,think class action,or small claims or don't bother,why?.they have more money to buy attorney but in small claims its just you and them no attorneys,class action it will get nation wide attention. remember no one person or place is to rich from facing justice.if we act together we can bring the corrupt down.\r