Although most of my time in customers homes is spent tuning, nearly every service call will involve an additional repair that can be almost anything -- pedals that are out of adjustment, notes that miss, notes that need voicing, keys that are stuck, annoying buzzes, and so on ... this list is endless. In most situations the repairs are quick and do not add to the cost of the tuning. If the repairs are demanding and the customer wishes to proceed, I can regulate keyboards and actions, replace hammers, or replace entire sets of strings and tuning pins. My approach is to focus on what the customer wants, with respect not only to the performance of the piano, but to budget considerations as well. I have customers with modest instruments as well as customers with instruments that are high end, and it is a privilege to serve any customer to bring out the best in whatever piano he or she happens to own.. Piano tuning,piano repairs large and small,action adjustments and voicing,evaluations and appraisals.