I will say this, you people that "care" so much about your animal?, if you really care for your pet, you would do anything, yes anything to \r
keep it. Like the person above who wrote, their kid couldnt kiss it goodbye, well I would suggest you let him kiss it on the way there or in the car before you go in? or how about not at all, and just keep the poor kitten? I mean come on, so it missed the litter box, deal with it, put it in a room with one and put a big piece of unwanted rugh around it. I mean if your worried about your kid missing it, just deal with it. And same with the dog owners, you did everything?, apparently not, or the dog would be with you still right? And yes Ive had dogs that got out all the time too, and guess what?, I kept them. If you thing someone else is just gonna take them, your kidding yourself, you didnt want them right, duh?? God, half of you would get rid of your kids if you could and it was an excepted thing in our society. DEAL with your pets and learn to