When I visited newly transplanted family friends when I was a teenager, they drove us by the Big Chicken (which I think was brown then - late 1980s) and told us how people navigated by it and the whole deal. Is it a huge, exciting, life-altering experience to see the Big Chicken? No, but it is great tacky Americana at its best. No offense to the people who think it is a stupid billboard and a horrible eyesore, but I think they're missing the point. It didn't even start out as a Kentucky Fried Chicken, and for them to run with the whole chicken thing is sort of ingenius as a marketing tool - easy to find, creates a buzz... It's silly, just like all other weirdly shaped giant buildings and/or figures (lobsters, pineapples, the tie-dye llama in downtown NYC...). They're meant to catch your eye, and I'd say a 55ft chicken does the trick. Go. Stand outside and get your picture taken. Show it to friends and say, ""Yes, this thing actually exists, and it is that freakin' big."" Then move on to the next cheesy thing that's a little inexplicable and makes you say, ""What the... Stop the car. I gotta know what that is!""