BUYER BEWARE!!!! I am a builder iwith a successful business in the Atlanta area. I used this KB Electric on a several jobs. There service and work, at first, was good, not great. The pricing helped me to overlook the lack of attention and the many trips they took to complete a job that could have been done with just one trip. The last couple of jobs the problems became more evident. They were hard to get on the phone. When I finally did get in touch with them, we would make an appointment that they missed time and time again. This of course caused problems for the other contractors waiting on the electric work to be completed so that they could finish their respective services. The last job they only had a few punch out times to complete. The asked if they could get their final payment and would finish the last few items the next day and they have not shown up since. I have made several attempts to contact them to make arrangements, but they refuse to complete the work that they were contracted and paid to do. Please check references carefully before hiring this outfit!!!