Dr. Kim filled a new script for me based on her own examination of my eyes. When I went to pick-up my new glasses and could not see out of them properly, she refused to correct the problem. Whether it was an error in her diagnosis or a lab mistake in filling the script, the glasses were useless to me. I was out over $450.00 and had used up my only eyeglasses’ insurance benefit for the year. She agreed only to reimburse me for the frames so long as I left them with her, but not the lenses or the examination. I indicated to her that I would certainly pay for her time in correcting her error for a proper set of glasses, but I was not keen to pay another $450.00 for NEW lenses. What is the point of seeing an eye-doctor and getting a pair of glasses that don’t work? A red flag should have been raised when during my initial appointment with her, I’d asked her 3 different times why she was NOT testing my vision for computer work or reading. She indicated that since my long distance vision was being corrected, my mid-range and far-sightedness need not be checked and would adjust automatically. Huh? I’ve been wearing glasses since 4th grade and should have trusted my own instincts in realizing this was idiotic logic. Even Lens Crafters guarantees their work. Caveat Emptor! (By the way, formal complaints have been filled against this optometrist with the California State Board of Optometry, Consumer Affairs and credit card fraud reporting agencies.)