We found a house in which we were interested.\r
We spoke to the listing agents (Debra Murray and Irene ).\r
We told them we would have the agent we’d been working with contact them in order to continue the process.\r
They begged us to let them represent us (so they wouldn't have to split the commission).\r
They told us that if we did so, they would\r
1. Do everything they could to satisfy our needs.\r
2. Give us use of the company truck for our move.\r
Neither one of these things happened.\r
The sellers concealed from us a number of things that were broken (the house was so packed, even the inspector didn't see these things) and the agents were only too happy to assist in rushing us through to help ensure that we did not examine too thoroughly.\r
They never conveyed our wishes to the sellers.\r
Things that would have helped us a great deal and would not have caused the sellers any problem or cost them anything. But not having it done cost us money and a great deal of time.\r
And they didn't even provide the truck for our move!\r
I contacted Julia afterwards and asked to be reimbursed for our costs.\r
She wrote me back a very obnoxious letter in which she stated:\r
That loan of the truck was a courtesy, not a right.\r
That the agents spent far more time with us than with other buyers.\r
That we were the beneficiaries of money expended by her firm.\r
Following are excerpts from my response \r
As to how much time the agents spent with us vs. other buyers, I couldn't say.\r
I would have to guess though that this too is inaccurate as we bought the only property they showed us.\r
I would imagine that you have buyers who may look at a dozen properties before buying, don't you?\r
But of course that is not relevant. The assertion that they ""bent over backwards to satisfy us"" is ridiculous.\r
It was abundantly clear that they were taking the sellers' side all the way.\r
Regarding your claims of financial concessions by your firm that benefited us:\r
allow me to address the 3 you mentioned\r
1. Getting the sellers to leave us a stove.\r
I've never even heard of this one before. There was never any issue regarding a stove.\r
So, I don't know what you are talking about. Are you perhaps referring to the issue of the\r
refrigerator? There were 2 refrigerators. We were initially lead to believe that both \r
would stay.\r
Not only did we not get 2, we didn't even get the better one of the 2. \r
2. The built-in cabinets in the 2nd bedroom.\r
We do not believe for a minute the agents paid the sellers\r
for them. Even Irene looked shocked when Debbie made this claim to us.\r
The cabinets were in the contract. So, we were getting them.\r
Neither we nor anyone else had to pay extra for them.\r
3. The sidewalk. Yes, your firm had this done. That's great.\r
But please don't insult our intelligence by implying that it was some act of largess.\r
It was a sticking point between us and the seller. And so, to speed up the process of getting \r
a commission of tens of thousands of dollars, you invested a few hundred.\r
That's just good business on your part. \r
Julia, this was a horrible transaction from start to finish.\r
The sellers' took advantage of us in every way (taking things that they weren't supposed to, trying to sell us things that were clearly included in the contract) and your agents tried to assist them in every way.\r
The day we got the keys, we did a quick walk through and then Irene tried to get us to sign a document stating that everything was in fine shape and that the escrow money should be released.\r
That is both totally unreasonable and totally biased! \r
That is not good (or even fair) representation of our interests.\r
4,000 characters is not nearly enough to describe it all.\r
But I wanted to put out there what I could to help people avoid getting cheated the way we did.