Jorge Rodriguez was born in Samacá, Colombia. From a family of four siblings and boyacense parents, Carlos Rodriguez and Mercedes Sierra. From a young age, during his summer vacations his paternal grandfather led him to explore boyacenses mines. Since then, this young man was left captivated by one of the finest gems in the world, the Colombian emerald. Boyacá is a state in Colombia, known internationally for its magnificent mine productions. Jorge is a native near one of the most exquisite mines in the world “Muzo,” which produces the finest emeralds in the world, otherwise known as “Gotas de Aceite.” In 1987, he arrived in the United States where he began distributing Emeralds and working with the most renowned jewelers throughout Palm Beach, Florida. In 2004, he opened his own jewelry store in Jupiter, Florida. Which has been maintained so far, achieving recognition in many corners of the world.