Joyner's Painting has been serving the Kalamazoo, Portage, and surrounding areas for over 35 years. We are fully insured for your protection. We are focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations..
- Residential Painting
- Commercial Painting
- Institutional Painting
- Sports Complexes/Gymnasiums
- Interior/Exterior Painting
- Aluminum Siding -Deck and Cedar Siding Restoration
- Brick Painting/White Wash -Interior/Exterior Staining
- Fence Painting -Kitchen Cabinetry
- Furniture Refinishing
- Wrought Iron Patio Furniture Painted
- Wood Stripping -Wallpaper Removal and Installation
- Basement & Garage Floor Coatings
- Swimming Pool/Water Park Coatings
- Graphic Designs -Pressure Washing/Power Washin
- Concrete Restoration -Exterior Roof Pressure Wash Cleaning
- Porches & Patio Pressure Wash Cleaning
- Parking Lot Stripping -Home Renovations
- EPA Lead Certified Renovator -Certified in removal of Interior and Exterior Mold & Mildew Kitchen Cabinets Countertops
- EPA Lead Certified Renovator -Certified in removal of Interior and Exterior Mold & Mildew Kitchen Cabinets Countertops
- Fully Insured -Call Today for a Free Estimates