Initially, my impression of Jorve was good. The estimate was higher than most but everyone was extremely pleasant. We chose them in spite of the price due to their reputation and warranty. \r
They recommended a torchdown roof on a dormer on the back of our 1924 house as it was relatively flat compared to the rest of the house. We agreed to the $13K estimate as well as their recommendations and paid a 10% downpayment to get started. \r
All went well until the last day of work. My husband received a call from someone at Jorve telling him our roof was on fire!. Apparently while finishing the torchdown roof a fire had started inside the attic and as the wood is ~80 years old, the fire spread quickly.\r
The end result? The lathe and plaster walls and ceilings were destroyed, our upstairs has been gutted to studs, the roof has to be torn off, wiring on the main floor needs to be replaced, we have holes drilled in the walls on our main floor to prevent mold, and some ceilings and walls on the main floor will probably need repairs as well. In total, >$100K damage.\r
It's been 2 months since the fire. We've lost family photos, spent hours going through clothing, itemizing lost possessions, estimating the worth of things like tupperware and linens, we don't have all of our clothes, and have had to move into an apartment. It's a total headache and will be so for another 4-6 months while our upstairs is rebuilt.\r
From our perspective, we've paid nearly $7K for Jorve to destroy our house and belongings, and to deal with a 6 month headache. We asked for a refund as compensation and were told no as technically we'll have a roof at the end of all of this, not to mention upgrades to get our house up to code. What a bargain!\r
I'm appalled and insulted by this rationale. I would gladly have paid the full $13K to avoid all of this. My final thought? If everything goes well with your job Jorve will be fine. However, they will NOT take care of you if anything goes wrong.