WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER!! RUDE and a DIRTY PLACE. I went into Jordan's yesterday to get my husband a gift certificate for Father's Day. When I walked in there were NO OTHER customers. I asked the employee for a gift certificate (which is too easy) and he told me ""I'll be right back"". He went to side office and NEVER came back out. Meanwhile, the guy I spoke with and other employees in that office area were cursing and being very vulgar. I waited for 35 minutes for a simple gift certificate, all the while employees were looking out the door at me standing at their counter and not one came to help me. Don't waste your money on their pathetic, poor excuse for a business, drive down the road towards E-Town and there's a much nicer, cleaner, and less expensive place that would be happy to help you. Their uselessness was a blessing in disguise.