The korean food at Jong Kak is geared a bit towards to Korean people. They don't compromise the taste in order to attract non-Asian customers, which a lot of Korean restaurants in the neighborhood do. However, their food is not perfect either. If you are sensitive to the taste of MSG, you will be slightly irritated. In addition, a lot of the tastes are accentuated in that, spicy ingredients are spicier, and sweet ingredients are sweeter. I am guessing strong flavor is supposed to enhance the flavor, but sometimes it can get a bit too tiring.
In the baltimore city neighborhood, Jong Kak is probably the closest thing to Korean food you can find. There is Nam Kang, on Maryland ave. and 21st, I think. Try both, and see what taste fits your preference.
Some warnings, don't go to Jong Kak, if you are appalled by smelling the scent of cigarettes while eating, as there is no such thing as "no smoking indoors" regulation. Expect to hear a lot of Korean, and expect to come out smelling like food.