This guy is a ROAD RAGING A**HOLE. Apparently i did something in traffic to piss this guy off, and he showed his anger by running me down and riding 3 feet off my back bumper, like a cop catching a speeder. For a second, i thought he was going to ram me. i pulled over, and he passed me by. Only to stop at the intersection down the road, and wait for me. Where he proceeded to yell profanities at me. When I asked him what his problem was, he jumped out of his vehicle, and ran angrily toward my vehicle. i took off, and he attempted to chase me on foot. I believe he was intending to physically harm me. I called the police and reported him. He did all this while driving his tow truck with the company logo and phone number, right on the side of the truck. Not only is he and a**hole with anger issues, he's apparently an idiot as well.