Dear Jen,\r
It was so great to hear your voice today and talk to you today. You are in my thought everyday and have no idea how much you are missed. \r
Please give Dan our deepest sympathy for the loss of his mother and our love. Thought you might enjoy the enclosed picture and hope to get in a log of kayaking this summer with Mom. \r
We will definitely try to do better about staying in touch this year and keep up on what is going on in your life. So glad your new job is working out. \r
Please thank Dr. Ellis, and you, for the great job he did on my left hand. I have no trouble making a complete fist with it now and no real pain. In fact, it is better than my right hand that I injured falling with my mountain bike. \r
Getting ready to head into town so will close and get this in the mail. \r
With all our love to you and your family,\r
Dad and Mom