This zoo has a lot of animals, and many unique exhibits. The zoo is located near Down town Grand Rapids, and is easy to find. The zoo is in John Ball Park, which features two parks, duck ponds, picnic areas, and much more.
The zoo opens up with flamingo's, a family favorite. Kids love trying to figure out why there is only one leg, and it's fun explaining just how flamingo's get pink.
Throughout the zoo, you find new and exciting animals. I think this zoo could stand to expand quite a bit, and they have the space to do it. It would be nice and conveinent if they were to make more of a circular path out of some of the out reaching paths, though, so that people are not back tracking.
They have two main food stands, with several small carts along the path as well. There is 1 main gift shop, plus 1 large gift shop cart at the front of the zoo, and several small carts through out the zoo.
Overall, this is a great place to take the kids for an afternoon. I recommend week days, as they are less crowded. Avoid free days- it's packed to the gills with people, and hard to manuever. Though, an upside, there are more activities set up through the zoo on free days. Parking can be hard to find on free days, too.