I would give a zero if I could. I've never been to a doctor who in any way behaved like this one.....and I'm in my 60's. I went for some concerns about abnormal hair loss and some questionable sun spots. He just showed me HIS head and said ""I have hair loss....you look younger and just want to not get older."" I said ""excuse me?"" I couldn't believe it. He said I would have to ""count every hair, every day for a month"" before he would even consider looking. I was astonished. When I mentioned the spots I had questions about, he just pulled up his pant leg and showed me HIS legs.....""see, no spots. That's because I don't get in the sun. Sure you have spots....you've been in the sun."" He didn't even bother to look at any of them nor was he the least bit interested in my concern of abnormal hair loss. NO EXAM took place at all.
I could not believe my ears and that's only part of it. I walked out of there feeling like I'd just been in a ""car wreck"" or something....like a hit and run doctor. I would NEVER recommend this doctor. My general physician referred me to his dermatologist just today after I told him the story. Do NOT go to this doctor.
Cons: rude, did NO exam, insulting