This store is really popular with teenagers, actually teenage girls. They sell all sorts of sparkle-y and glitzy things at very affordable prices. There is a large selection of knockoff designer bags, also know as designer-inspired bags. But let's call it what it is: an imitation Louis Vuitton pouchette that is found on the arms of many a teenage girl (and possibly their mothers too) was probably purchased here.
Also, there are a lot of shiny accessories, such as jewelry and other adornments, and you can find any color to match any outfit.
The store is especially popular at prom and winter formal time when high school girls are in a flurry to coordinate accessories with their dresses. A selection of prom jewelery is available, with the ubiquitous tiara that everyone seems to be wearing.
This store is what it is and it serves its clientèle very well. The teenage girls love it and they do a good business. As an adult, I would not shop there, because it is just not my style.