Absolutely horrible owner, completely dishonest. I went there to sell some jewelry I no longer wear. Instead of giving me an estimate on how much they would buy my jewelry for, the female owner asked me what other offers I received. I told her one estimate I received but that I'm gathering estimates for the best price. She told me to go shop around, come back in about an hour and that she would give me the better offer over the highest one I received. So I did just that, returned to the store and as soon as I walked in she arrogantly asked me ""So whatcha get?"" as she chewed her gum like a cow. I told her what I got as laid out the jewelry for her. Her prick of a son looked at some of the jewelry and said ""Not interested."" And she came tossed one of my necklaces on the counter and said ""Whoever offered you $250, go back to them...thank you."" Wow. If you told me the first time I went there that you weren't interested I would've been fine. But don't tell me to go out of my way to come back to your decrepit store to not buy anything after you promised me you would give me a better price.
If you're coming to here to sell your jewelry, don't! They're liars. And if you're coming to buy jewelry, don't. Their selection is limited, old fashioned and it smells in there. Thought I'd give them a shot since I go to that shopping center often and the store is always empty with absolutely no traffic. Yeah, big mistake.
p.s - if moles gross you out, the cow-looking owner has one that's the size of a planet growing on her cheek. Eww!