My girlfriend and I drove from Providence to Raynham just to check out a used car. We were greeted kindly by a young man who showed us the car we wanted. Note: This was our LAST day to find a car as we had a deal on the table to buy a similar car for the next day.
When we asked for a test drive, the salesman said that we would have to be "pre-approved" to buy this car first. I informed him of the deal with the other dealership and further stated that if we liked this car we were ready to buy ON THE SPOT, but did not want to waste time with paperwork, or have our credit affected negatively by applying for a loan that we may not need. He politely brought us to his manager to waive the application process. Mind you, this is only to TEST DRIVE the vehicle.
We were brought to a tattoo'ed thug-like character, leaning lazily in his chair, who gave a vehement "NO!" to our request. I again informed him that we were already approved for a higher value car (about $24k) at a major dealership and that he could call them to get whatever information he wanted, but he rudely refused saying, "I don't care about your other deal." As I was walking out, I calmly, but firmly, told him that I would spread the word about the dealership's policy, and inform people how difficult it was to get a test drive. He snapped at me and got up from his chair and started to yell at me saying things like "you don't pay my salary!", and "people like you come in here and test drive cars, and then don't end up buying them!" He then tried to justlfy the policy by yelling, "If we let everyone test drive these cars, there would be 100 more miles on them." I said, "Well that's just the cost of doing business." He said, "No it's not!" We had some more words and I left.
If this is the way you want to be treated when buying a car, then this is the place for you. The rest of us should stay away... far away. After all, if I bought that car, I WOULD be paying his salary.
Pros: A few decent cars
Cons: Rude and Not customer friendly.