EUREKA--I've discovered gold. I noticed an old bass guitar that had been sitting in my cellar since Christmas 1982 that was untouched and I decided one day out of the blue that I wanted to learn to play. I bought a "Bass Guitar for Dummies" book and brother I must have been a dummy, because it's nearly impossible to learn an instrument from a 300 page book. I decided that the only way to learn was not with a book or some guy on a YouTube video demo, but to study with a teacher. I heard about some other studios, but they just didn't seem to have a program that interested or challenged me...I wanted to seriously learn to play, I mean really learn the instrument and not just get thrown up on a stage playing mediocre music. I actually physically made just one call to one studio..Jim Clark..just to inquire about lessons and his passion over the phone convinced me that he would be the "chosen one" and I called back the next day to sign up. Waiting for my first lesson was like waiting for Christmas to arrive and it seems like every week since then I get a new present in the form of his wisdom and individual style of teaching. My ambivalence in writing this review is that I feel as though I discovered a gold mine right in my own backyard and selfishly want to keep this hidden gem to myself. At the same time, I want to stand out in the middle of Main Street and like one of the California miners scream that I found gold and open the flood gates for everyone else to rush in. In less than 6 months time I went from knowing absolutely nothing to learning a few songs and eventually now playing Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder and preparing for a blues jam session. Sure, it's great that I can play a couple of songs, and I'm sure I would have learned a couple of songs somewhere else also, but one of the differences is the quality of my playing. The other, equally as important, is that I also am learning not only the theory behind the bass but the rhythm of music--to quote Mr. Stevie Wonder "Just because a record has a groove, Don't