After relocating from the east coast and the Jewish Day School there, we were pleasantly surprised at the passion with which Judaism is taught here. It was not the brow beating rote learning we were familiar with. Being in intermarriage, I wanted my children to learn to embrace their identity in a sea of assimilation. Mission accomplished! We have found the community to be welcoming, and my once reticent husband is totally supportive as he sees the results of our children’s self-confidence, academic achievement and the tremendous caring on the part of the teachers. Worth every penny. Don't be intimidated by the Hebrew or the tuition. There is always a way to give this gift to your children and the school is happy to assist. Lastly, my son, who is now in HS, was bored for the first 6 months, as he was so well prepared, and is now a junior participating in the International Baccalaureate program. Our middle daughter was accepted to a prestigious private HS in Bellevue, and our youngest is currently in 3rd grade at JDS. We are very proud parents and thank JDS for the excellent foundation.