Jeter Painting is your 1st and finest choice in painting, staining, or removal, even dry wall repair. They produce the highest quality work, right here in our community.
Whether it's interior or exterior staining or painting, trim work, your needs are truly cared for.
Producing ultimate quality, doing great work, they care for your place and your project,
as if it was their own. They're on time, on budget and responsible.
Their professional work is your one-stop service, completing the project, even aspects not immediately seen. They make sure everything's completed when it should be.
Rest assured; everything's good with William (Bill) Jeter guiding your project. They're perfectionists. You'll love his work. Best of all it is guaranteed. We have been making smiles on home owners faces since 2000.
Additional services include: Cleaning & Maid Services, Handyman Services, Organizers, Painting, Paving, Wall Coverings